Product manual

Record of Document Revisions:
Revision Remarks
06/04 First edition
04/05 Restart lock -AS-, UL-listing, new pinning for X8, several corrections
04/05a order numbers 400V types for NA updated
Chapter 1 updated, ComCoder wiring corrected, Acuro(BISS)-Interface new, max. station ad
dress changed to 127, motor choke changed, SynqNet and EtherCat expansion cards added,
chapter 6 restructured, order codes restructured
12/05 Feedback section, termination resistors X1/X5, CE section
Error messages and warnings updated, additional information (SERCOS), AWG cross-sections
added, inch dimensions added, analog-in circuit updated, cross section (awg)
CAN baud rate coding updated, LED display structure updated, input analog-in updated, BISS
interface updated, hardware revision added, Errors/Warnings updated
09/06 New document structure, new cover design, warning n24, Quickstart integrated
Hardware Revision (HR) History
Hardware Rev.
Firmware Rev.
00.00 <= 2.0 <= 1.30 Build 0054 First version
01.00 <= 2.0 <= 1.30 Build 0054 Housing improved, shield assembly improved
01.01 <= 2.0 <= 1.30 Build 0054 AS completed, pinning X8 changed
02.01 <= 2.0 <= 1.30 Build 0054 UL approv., X3 divided to two connectors
WINDOWS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.
HIPERFACE is a registered trademark of Max Stegmann GmbH
EnDat is a registered trademark of Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH
SERVOSTAR is a registered trademark of Danaher Motion
Technical changes which improve the performance of the equipment may be made without prior notice!
Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form (by printing, photocopying, microfilm
or any other method) or stored, processed, copied or distributed by electronic means without the written per
mission of Danaher Motion.