Product manual

10.1.4 Expansion card -SERCOS-
This section describes the SERCOS expansion card for SERVOSTAR 300. Information
on the range of functions and the software protocol can be found in our manual “IDN
Reference Guide SERCOS”. Front view LEDs
Indicates whether SERCOS telegrams are being correctly received. In the final
Communication Phase 4 this LED should flicker, since cyclical telegrams are being
Indicates that SERCOS telegrams are being transmitted. In the final Communica
tion Phase 4 this LED should flicker, since cyclical telegrams are being transmit
Check the station addresses for the controls and the servo amplifier if:
- the LED never lights up in SERCOS Phase 1 or
- the axis cannot be operated, although the RT LED is lighting up cyclically.
Indicates that SERCOS communication is faulty or suffering from interference.
If this LED is very bright, then communication is suffering strong interference, or is
non-existent. Check the SERCOS transmission speed for the controls and the
servo amplifier (BAUD RATE) and the fiber-optic connection.
If this LED fades or flickers, this indicates a low level of interference for SERCOS
communication, or the optical transmitting power is not correctly matched to the
length of cable. Check the transmitting power of the (physically) previous
SERCOS station. The transmitting power of the servo amplifier can be adjusted in
the setup software DRIVEGUI.EXE on the SERCOS screen page, by altering the
length parameter for the cable length. Connection technology
For the fiber optic cable connection, only use SERCOS components to the SERCOS
Standard IEC 61491.
Receive data
The fiber optic cable carrying receive data for the drive in the ring structure is connected
to X13 with an F-SMA connector.
Transmit data
Connect the fiber optic cable for the data output to X14 by F-SMA connector.
300 Product Manual
Expansions and Accessories 09/2006 Kollmorgen