
TEAM Climate Monitoring Protocol 3.0
4.4 Level 3 Siting
If the radiation sensor cannot be located within the vicinity of the main climate station, a separate
location that fulfills the siting requirements of the sensor will need to be found. The radiation
sensor will be connected to a dedicated data logger and operate independently from the rest of
the climate station. Autonomous 1-2 channel data loggers that are battery powered are relatively
cheap and rugged enough for field conditions (see Appendix A.1). The following guidelines
outline the process of siting the radiation sensor:
Find a suitable location with an almost complete view of the sky (no obstacles above 5
degrees from the horizon). This location could be a large clearing, the top of an open
ridge or mountain, on top of an existing tower/antenna, etc.
The location should be relatively easy to reach. Technical personnel will need to visit the
site at least every two weeks to clean and maintain the pyranometer (see section 6.3.4).
4.5 Level 4 Siting
In many sites it might be difficult to find a clearing that complies with the requirements for Level
1 (siting requirements for all three sensors are met) or Level 2 (siting requirements for
precipitation and temperature are met). In such cases, it is suggested that the station is located in
a clearing that is the closest possible match to a Level 2 clearing (see section 4.3) and that the
site conditions are carefully documented and monitored annually (see section 4.7.1 below). In
particular, watch for the following:
Make sure the Temperature/RH sensor is as far as possible from surrounding vegetation
to minimize microclimatic conditions that could affect the readings.
Ensure that the precipitation gauge has a clear view of the sky and is as far as possible
from surrounding obstacles to avoid water ‘bouncing in’ from other sources, thus
contaminating the readings.
Locate the radiation sensor following the guidelines for Level 2 (within 100 m of the
climate station) or Level 3 (separate location with a dedicated data logger). If neither of
these is feasible, install the radiation sensors as high as possible in the current climate
base and document carefully the site conditions (see section 4.7.1).
Always document carefully the site conditions following the guidelines in section 4.7.1
below and monitor site conditions annually.
4.6 Ordering the Equipment
Once an adequate siting strategy has been reached, the appropriate equipment can be ordered
depending on whether all sensors will be on the same climate tower base (Level 1 siting), all
sensors will be connected to the same data logger but the radiation sensor will be located within
100 m of the climate station (Level 2 siting), or whether the radiation sensor will be placed in a
different location with a dedicated data logger and power source (Levels 3 siting). The
equipment requirements of Level 4 siting are the same of Level 2 or 3 (depending on whether the
solar radiation sensor can be located within 100 m of the main station or in a separate location).