
TEAM Climate Monitoring Protocol 3.0
each TEAM Site and are required for use. Any changes will be done by the Network Office
which will also notify TEAM Sites to update their data logger programs
To Upload the Standard Data Collection Program, hit the Send Program button on the Data
logger Program region of the main window. You will get a warning screen, advising you that any
program already in the data logger will be erased; say YES. Navigate to the local directory where
the program is located and hit OPEN. The program should take a few seconds to compile and
load into the data logger. Now the data logger is ready to collect data. Data will be written to the
memory card directly for easy retrieval.
Variable (units)
Collected every
Reported every
What is reported
Temperature (°C)
5 sec
5 min
Average, Standard Deviation
Relative Humidity (%)
5 min
5 min
Value at the end of sampling
Rainfall (mm)
5 min
Total Radiation (W/m
5 sec
5 min
Average, Standard Deviation
Battery Voltage (V)
5 sec
5 min
Date/Time stamp
5 min
5 min
Value at the end of sampling
Fan speed shield (RPM)
5 sec
5 min
Average RPM during 5 min
Table 3. Collection frequency, reporting frequency and what is reported in the standard data collection
5.1.3 Connect all the sensors
Before connecting all the sensors, turn off the data logger by disconnecting it from the battery.
Wiring diagrams for each sensor are available with the program (see also Appendix A.6. for the
standard TEAM Climate Station wiring diagram).
Attach the sensor cables to the appropriate terminals: Use the small screwdriver that comes
with the data logger to securely attach the cables to the terminals by loosening the screw in each
terminal, inserting the cable in the slot above, and then tightening the screw so the cable makes
good contact with the terminal. The temperature/RH and solar radiation sensors should be
connected to differential analog terminals (e.g. 1H/1L), while the precipitation sensor is
connected to a pulse terminal (e.g. P1). The ground cables can all be connected to the same
terminal for a given sensor. Additionally, the Temperature/RH sensor requires power from the
data logger (12V terminal).
Sensor location: The sensors can remain indoors for the test, but if possible, locate the radiation
sensor outside to get a natural reading.
Rain Gauge: Take the cover off the tipping rain gauge (TB4) and make sure the tipping
mechanism is loose (it is usually secured with a rubber band for shipping). You will be adding
some water to the rain gauge so replace the cover and put the gauge inside another bucket or
above a collection tray to avoid water spillage.