
TEAM Climate Monitoring Protocol 3.0
Sensor Calibration Form. Field form to keep track of sensor calibration information such as
date when sensor was sent for calibration, serial numbers of sensor in calibration and
replacement sensors, etc. All information from the Sensor Calibration Form needs to be
uploaded to the TEAM portal where it will be stored as downloadable metadata.
Site Metadata Field Form. Field form to collect information on the physical characteristics
of the site where the climate station is installed such as distance to main obstacles, substrate,
slope, sky profile, etc. All information from the Site Metadata Field Form needs to be
uploaded to the TEAM portal where it will be stored as downloadable metadata.
Siting process. This is the process that describes the specific rules needed to deploy a
climate station as a function of physical characteristics of the site, height and distance from
obstacles, specific sensor requirements, etc. The siting process is decribed in detail in section
4 of the TEAM Climate Protocol.
Solar Panel. A device that captures solar energy and transforms it into electrical energy. In
the context of the TEAM Climate Protocol, this energy is used to power the data logger,
sensors and radiation shield. The solar panel also charges the battery so that it can power the
station at night or during cloudy days. We recommend the use of a 85W-2.2 Amp solar panel
to fulfill the power requirements of the climate station.
Solar Radiation. Is the amount of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves coming from
the sun. Radiation from the sun spans a wide range of frequencies from the Ultra violet (100-
400 nm) passing through the visible light (400-700 nm) and the infrared or heat (700 – 10
Tipping Bucket. Device to estimate rainfall automatically without human intervention. A
tipping bucket collects rain through a funnel that fills one side of a bucket that is pivoted in
the middle. As one side of the bucket fills with water the weight drives it down releasing the
water and causing the bucket to tip to other side, where the process starts again. Each tip is
recorded by the data logger as a pulse signal and is equivalent to a fixed amount of rain
(usually 0.1-0.2 mm).
Tower (Base tower). Refers to a structure that houses the sensors, the enclosure, the solar
panel and the battery. TEAM uses a 3 m aluminum tower (UT-10, Campbell Scientific) with
a lightning rod and ground cable.
Core Area. Defined as the area (25-30 m
) where the climate station (tower, sensors and
tipping buckets) is contained. The core area should be regularly maintained and fenced for
security and to avoid intrusion of animals.