User Manual

ADCP-XX-XXX • November 2000 • Section 2: WMTS Description
Page 2-10
2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
4.1 Enclosure
The WMTS is installed in a standard rack-mounted enclosure. The standard configuration
consists of a single enclosure supporting eight slots at the front and seven slots at the rear.
Two slots are reserved for the host card and the C&F card. The other six slots may be used for
upstream and downstream universal cards. The maximum extension in a single chassis is for 1
modulator (downstream) card and up to 5 demodulator (upstream) cards, or 2 modulators and
4 demodulators. Two fan trays are included, one installed above the chassis and one below.
4.2 Panels and Indicators
Each module except the host card has LED indicators, which assist you in diagnosing possible
problems with an interface. For example, on the universal card, a Power LED indicates that
the module is seated in the chassis and powered properly. The C&F card front panels serve as
the interconnection port.
The card panels house the connectors and the indicators (LEDs) as follows:
The universal card is detailed in Table 2-1 and illustrated in Figure 2-6.
The downstream card is detailed in Table 2-2 and illustrated in Figure 2-7.
The upstream card is detailed in Table 2-3 and illustrated in Figure 2-8.
The host card are blank.
The power supply contains two indicators: Power On and Fail.
4.2.1 Universal Card Panel
When the WMTS system and universal card power up, the channel numbers on the universal
cards show as dot matrix question marks. As the unit performs a self-test, the system
recognizes the cards and the correct channel number will appear in the dot matrix. The
downstream card is typically installed in the far left slot, with a 1 displayed as its channel
number. Up to five upstream cards can be installed in the slots to the right of the downstream
card. The numbering for these cards will start with a 1 for the far left downstream card,
followed by 2 through 4, depending on the number of cards installed. The far right card is
typically the C&F card. Its channel number is 0.
During normal operation, the LED indicators will operate as shown below. If the system locks
or malfunctions, some of the lights will remain lit instead of flashing. If this happens, restart
the system. If it continues, contact ADC Customer Service.