User Manual

Table Of Contents
Mission Valley Radio Repeater Equipment + Upgrade
User/Maintenance Handbook
Handbook No. 50-078021HBKM Page 66 of 85
7.1.3 Downlink
Confirm that there is a signal at the expected frequency and strength from the base station. If this is
not present then the fault may lay outside the system. To confirm this, inject a downlink frequency
signal from a known source at the master site BTS input and check for output at the remote site
feeder output.
If a signal is not received at the output it will be necessary to follow the downlink path through the
system to find a point at which the signal is lost. The expected downlink output for the given input can
be found in the end-to-end test specification.
7.1.4 Uplink
Testing the uplink involves a similar procedure to the downlink except that the frequencies used are
those transmitted by the mobile equipment.
7.1.5 Checking service
Following the repair of any part of the system it is recommended that a full end-to-end test is carried
out in accordance with the test specification and that the coverage is checked by survey.
It is important to bear in mind that the system includes a radiating cable network and base stations
that may be faulty or may have been damaged.