User Manual

10 DOC PN 3633B-UM Rev. 2.1 © Axell Wireless Ltd
2.3 RF Cabling Requirements
For all coaxial connections to/from the Repeater - high performance, flexible, low loss
50Ω coaxial communications cable.
All cables shall be weather-resistant type.
Cable length - determined by the Repeater installation plan. When calculating the cable
length, take into account excess cable slack so as not to limit the insertion paths.
Make sure that cable and connector are compatible. Using cables and connectors from
the same manufacturer is helpful.
All connectors must be clean and dry
Waterproof all outdoor connections using silicone, vulcanizable tape or other suitable
substance as moisture and dust can impair RF characteristics.
Make sure enough room has been allocated for the bending radius of the cable. RF
cables must not be kinked, cut or damaged in any way
Connect the RF cable to the antenna tightly but without damaging threads
Fasten cables tight to cable ladder or aluminum sheet
For short length of feeder cables use ½ “, for longer feeder cables use 7/8”. Chose
thicker coax cables for lower attenuation. Minimize the length of the coax cables to
reduce the attenuation
Use jumper cable for easy installation. The RF Coaxial cable can be substituted at each
end with a jumper cable.