User Manual

Document Number 80-330501HBKM – Issue A - Draft Page 16 of 500
2.5. Chemical Hazard
Beryllium Oxide, also known as Beryllium Monoxide, or Thermalox™, is sometimes
used in devices within equipment produced by Aerial Facilities Ltd. Beryllium oxide
dust can be toxic if inhaled, leading to chronic respiratory problems. It is harmless if
ingested or by contact.
Products that contain beryllium are dummy loads (load terminations) and some power amplifiers.
These products can be identified by a yellow and black “skull and crossbones” danger symbol (shown
above). They are marked as hazardous in line with international regulations, but pose no threat under
normal circumstances. Only if a component containing beryllium oxide has suffered catastrophic
failure, or exploded, will there be any danger of the formation of dust. Any dust that has been created
will be contained within the equipment module as long as the module remains sealed. For this reason,
any module carrying the yellow and black danger sign should not be opened. If the equipment is
suspected of failure, or is at the end of its life-cycle, it must be returned to Aerial Facilities Ltd for
To return such equipment, please contact the Quality Department, who will give you a Returned
Materials Authorisation (RMA) number. Please quote this number on the packing documents, and on
all correspondence relating to the shipment.
PolyTetraFluoroEthylene, (P.T.F.E.) and P.T.F.E. Composite Materials
Many modules/components in AFL equipment contain P.T.F.E. as part of the RF insulation barrier.
This material should never be heated to the point where smoke or fumes are evolved. Any person
feeling drowsy after coming into contact with P.T.F.E. especially dust or fumes should seek medical
2.6. Laser Safety
General good working practices adapted from
EN60825-2: 2004/ EC 60825-2:2004
Do not stare with unprotected eyes or with any unapproved optical device at the fibre
ends or connector faces or point them at other people, Use only approved filtered or attenuating
viewing aids.
Any single or multiple fibre end or ends found not to be terminated (for example, matched, spliced)
shall be individually or collectively covered when not being worked on. They shall not be readily
visible and sharp ends shall not be exposed.
When using test cords, the optical power source shall be the last connected and the first
disconnected; use only approved methods for cleaning and preparing optical fibres and optical
Always keep optical connectors covered to avoid physical damage and do not allow any dirt/foreign
material ingress on the optical connector bulkheads.
The optical fibre jumper cable maximum bend radius is 3cm; any smaller radii may result in optical
cable breakage or excessive transmission losses.
Caution: The FO units are NOT
weather proof.
2.7. Emergency Contact Numbers
The AFL Quality Department can be contacted on:
Telephone +44 (0)1494 777000
Fax. +44 (0)1494 777002