User's Manual

MAC Filter
The MAC address filter is a powerful security feature that allows you to specify
which computers are allowed on the network. Any computer attempting to
access the network that is not specified in the filter list will be denied access.
When you enable this feature, you must enter the MAC address of each client
(computer) on your network to allow network access to each.
To use MAC Filter function, you should check “ON/OFF” box at first.
When MAC Filter Services is enabled, it can be set in 2 modes.
Black List. In this mode, the service table shows the client MAC address
being blocked by the Modem.
White List. In this mode, the service table shows the client MAC
address allowed by the Modem.
To add a MAC address into the service table, simply enter the MAC address
and click “Add”.
Note: You will not be able to delete the MAC address of the computer you are
using to access the Router’s administrative functions (the computer you are
using now).