Setup guide

Print the Journal data without erasing
Scan the "Print EJ Data" tag or enter the associated PLU number
Read MICR data from a check
Place the check in the printer and press the "Clear" key on the keyboard when
the "Enter Acct. #" shows after ringing a transaction with a check tender.
Electronic Journal Maintenance
The 10K120 interface will post a message when it’s EJ capacity is full. Journal
data will be lost if the Journal is not serviced at this time. If using the EJ memory
in the A760 printer, it will beep when the EJ capacity is full and the EJ data is no
longer being stored in the printer.
It is recommended that the amount of EJ data in the 10K120 interface or in
the printer be monitored on a regular basis so it doesn't reach capacity and
lose EJ data. Printing the EJ data on a regular basis will lessen the time
that the register is unavailable, due to printing large amounts of EJ data.
Varying security levels to the EJ data can be accomplished in several ways. This
permits different security configurations on each register.
Disabling the configuration PLU's that erase or print and erase EJ from the
PLU database or controlling possession of the configuration tags will
prevent any cashier without a Supervisor or Program key from erasing the
EJ data.
Disabling the Supervisor key function with the S Key Erase OFF
configuration tag will only allow someone with a program key (generally
unavailable to anyone except management and technical personel) to erase
EJ data.
What if the Printer doesn't print at all or a W5244 or W5245 error shows on the