User's Manual

Stealth Reader
Installation of the Stealth Reader consists of several different steps. This section goes over the installation of the
Stealth Reader and the mounting process with considerations to have in mind.
1. Signal distance depends on the location of the Stealth Reader's antenna. When the Stealth Reader's
antenna is higher the signal is generally stronger.
2. The Pit Lid or Vault may affect the transmission range. The different material can cause the range to
decrease or increase, it depends on what it is, for instance a plastic lid has a larger range compared to
a cast iron lid.
3. The installation takes about 5-10 minutes, but it will depend on the location and mounting. If the lid
uses the Screw Top and Nut assembly as well as a hole for the unit to go into. Make sure there is
enough space between the box lid and the ground for the Stealth reader to sit and operate. If there isn't
enough space so the Stealth reader to sit properly, remove some dirt from the area. Do not over-
tighten lid locks!
Preparing the Meter
1. Check the Meter for anything that could be wrong.
2. Clean the lens/face by using Fast Orange non-pumice cleaner and a cloth or cotton swab to
remove any residue.
3. Now clean the meter face/lens again only now with 99% isopropyl alcohol and a New lint-free
cotton swab.
4. Continue to wipe the surface of the lens with a new cotton swab, till the cotton swab comes up
clean, also clean leans squeaks when wiped.
5. When the cleaning is done, make sure that the lens is Completely dry, to make sure the alcohol
has evaporated.
Connecting to the Register
When connecting the Stealth Reader to the clean Register there are steps to be followed when connecting the
wires together. First when connecting the Stealth Reader to the Register there are wires that are needed to be
hooked up properly. If the wires aren't hooked up to the right wires, the Stealth Reader will not work properly.
The following table matches the type of Register and the wires that need to be connected for each type.
Brand Model Register Type SR Wires Register Wires
ABB/Kent Scancoder Encoded Red Green
Green Red
Black Black
Hersey Translator Encoded Red Red
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Only use Isopropyl rubbing alcohol marked “99% by volume”. Lower concentrations, such as
the commonly available 91%, does not clean or evaporate well.