User's Manual

Este produto está homologado pela ANATEL, de acordo com os
procedimentos regulamentados pela Resolução 242/2000 e atende
aos requisitos técnicos aplicados.
Este equipamento opera em caráter secund ário , isto é, não t em direito
a proteção c ontra interferência prej udi cial, m esmo d e estações do
mesmo tipo, e não pod e causar interferência a sistem as operando em
caráter primário.
Para maiores informações, consulte o site da ANATEL
Hereby, A xis Communications AB declares that this product is
in compliance with the essential requ irements and other relev a nt
provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
A c op y of the original declaration of conformity may be obtained from
Axis Communic ations AB, Emdala v ägen 14, SE-223 69 Lund.
Australia/New Zealand
This digital equipment fullls the requirement s of t he Radio
Communications Standard AS/NZS 4771.
제품 사양
주파수: 802.11b/g/n(HT20), 2412~2472 MHz
적합성 평가를 받은 자의 상호: AXIS C OMM U NI CAT IONS AB.
기자재의 명칭 (모델명): 무선데이터통신시스템용 무선기기
(AXIS M1043-W, M1044-W)
제조연월: 별도 표시
A/S 정보
Axis Communications AB 한국지사
주소: 서울특별시 금천구 가산동 685번지 가산 Digital Empire
TEL: 82-2-780- 96 36
FAX: 82-2-6280-9636
This product complies with Technical Regulation s Conf orm ity
Certication of Specied Radio Equipment.
This product complies with EN/IEC 60950-1, Safety of
Technology Equipment.
The power supply used with this product shall fulll the requirements
for Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV ) and Limited Power Source (LPS)
according to EN/IEC/UL 60950-1.
Should you require any technical assistance, please contact your Axis
reseller. If your que stio ns cannot be answered immediately, your
reseller will forward your queries through the appropriate channels to
ensure a rapid response. If you are connected to the Internet, you can:
download user documentation and software updates
nd answers to resolved problems in the FAQ database. Search
by product, categ
ory, or phrase
report problems to Axis support staff by logging in to your private
support area
chat with Axi
s support staff (selected countries only)
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