User's Manual

AXIS 207/207W - Event Configuration
Event Configuration
An event in the AXIS 207/207W is when a trigger is activated, causing a certain action to
be performed. The event is the set of parameters (or conditions) that specifies how and
when which actions will be performed. A common event is when the camera uploads
images, triggered by an alarm.
This section describes how to configure the AXIS 207/207W to perform certain actions
when an event (e.g. an alarm) occurs.
Triggered by...
Input Port
This describes the state that the
input must be in for an event to
be triggered e.g. a door sensor
connected to the camera’s input
port. If the door sensor is active,
an event is triggered.
Motion Detection
Movement in a motion detection
window can be used to trigger an event. Select the motion detection window from the
drop-down list and specify whether to trigger the event when motion stops or starts. For
information on how to set up motion detection windows see
Motion Detection, on page 26.
Manual Trigger
This option makes use of the action buttons on the live view page, which are used to start
or stop the event manually, e.g. activate an alarm connected to the camera’s output port.
Alternatively the event can be triggered via the product's API (Application Programming
When Triggered...
Upload images/video - this option sends the saved images in email messages to specified
email addresses.
Enter the file format (MPEG-4 or JPEG), email address, subject and additional infor-
mation for the email message. Multiple email addresses can be entered. Check the
Include audio checkbox if audio is to be included in the email (MPEG-4 only).
Note: Mail servers must be configured under System Options > Network > SMTP