Service manual

LB – Low battery.
CTRL PWR OUT – Power lost.
KEYPAD – Keypad not installed.
CM CC – Coin Mech disconnected.
CM TS – Tube Sensor defective.
CM IC – No coin accepted for 96 hours (4
CM TJXX – Tube jam.
CM CRCH – Check sum.
CM EE – Excessive escrow pressed (255
times between coin arrivals).
CM NJ – Coin jam.
CM LA – Low acceptance count.
CM DIS – Acceptor unplugged.
CM ROUT – Coin routing error.
NA BC – Note Acceptor disconnected.
NA BFUL – Stacker full.
NA BILL – Defective motor.
NA BJ – Validator jammed.
NA BRCH – ROM checksum error.
NA BOPN – Stacker out of position.
NA BS – Sensor problem.
CRC – Card reader disconnected.
SENS – Temperature sensor problem.
COLD – Temperature to cold.
HOT – Temperature to hot.
CMPR – Compressor not cooling.
HEALTH – Health Guard error.
Indicates you have scrolled through the
list of all present errors. Press the “CLR” key and
display will change to “OK” and the display will
change to “NONE”. Press the “CLR” key to return to
“TEST MODE”, or the “A” key to proceed to “SELF
LIGHT TIMER - Press key “C”
Allows the service technician to set the 2 vertical
lights to shut off for added energy savings after
selected time recorded is met for no activity on the
key pad or peripherals. Press the letter “C” on the
key pad and display will show “Light Timer: ## hrs.”
where ## is the current hour time recorded for
meeting no activity to turn the two vertical lamps off.
To change the hour(s) setting press the key pad
numbers that you wish to set for no activity to be met
for the lamps to shut off. Press the “” key to save
and the display will return to “Light Timer”. Press the
“CLR” key to return to “TEST MODE”, or the “A” key
to proceed to next available mode.
** ENABLE SNACK MENUS - Press key “D”
This sub menu is used to enable and disable the
Satellite Snack menus. Press the
” key to
toggle the menu on or off.
KEYPAD TEST - Press key “E”
Allows the service technician to test any or all
keypad keys. Press the letter “E” on the keypad and
the display will show “KEYPAD TEST”. Press the
” key and the display will show “Keypad Test”,
then press each key on the keypad. Each key
pressed will show on the display until the “CLR” key
is pressed. The display will return to “Keypad Test”.
Press the “CLR” key to return to “TEST MODE” or
press the “A” key to advance to the next menu item
Allows the service technician to test the XY and Cup
port operations. The following are available in the
test menu: 1 = Position Test, 2 = Port Test, 3 =
Delivery Cup Check, 4 = Repeat Vend, 5 = Vend
Error Codes, 6 = Product Sensors, 7 = Turns off
vend mech for software test, 8 = Adjust shelf offset,
9 = Not used at this time, 0 = Adjust Hook Swipe “X”
Offset, A = Software Build Number, E = Extended
Cup Setting, F = Cup Sensor Setting. To enter the
available modes press the “F” Key on the keypad
and display will show “FACTORY DIAGNOSTICS”.
Press the “” key and the display will show “1 =
Position Test, 2 = Port Test”. Press the key # or
letter you wish to enter. Note: In early software
revisions Port Test was 4, Repeat Test was 2, &
Shelf Offset was 8. Below is current programming
as of 3/26/08.
Key A = Build Number ####. Press key A and
the display will show “Build Number ####”.
Where #### is the software build number
significant to Dixie-Narco engineering. Press
the “CLR” Key to return to “Factory Diagnostics”.
Key B = Reset Model Number
. Press key B
and the display will show “Reset Model?
= Yes CLR = No”. Pres the
key and display will show “No Model Set Save?
A = ^ (scroll up) = Yes CLR = No”
. Press
key A to scroll through available model numbers
DN5800-4, DN3800-4, DN5800-E4 (export),
DN3800-E4 (export). With vender model
displayed that you are installing board press the
key to save. Press the “CLR” Key to return to
“Factory Diagnostics”.
Key E = Extended Cup. Press key E and the
display will show “Extended Cup: Enabled”.
Press the “” key to toggle the Extended Cup to
the Disabled setting. Factory default setting is
Enabled. Note Extended Cup Disabled setting is
used in BevMax 2 Pepsi Venders prior to
8625CF and Generic Venders prior to 8600AG.
Extended Cup Enabled is used in all BevMax 3
5800-4 Venders.
Key F = Cup Sensor. Press key F and the
display will show “Cup Sensor Off”. Press the
” key to toggle the Extended Cup to the On