Service manual

c. Verify the pins of the new Eprom are
not bent before installing in the
Eprom socket.
d. Install the new Eprom in the Eprom
socket. Ensure the Eprom is
oriented correctly with its reference
marker (locator) in the same
direction as the reference marker
(locator) of the Eprom socket. Do
not rely on the Eprom label for
orientating the Eprom.
3. Automatic Reprogramming:
a. Turn power on to Vender. When
auto-updating the display will show
old version for a few seconds while
the red LED on the control board
b. Display will change to “EPROM
UPGRADE…” for approximately 10
seconds with the green LED rapidly
c. Display will change to new version
software with red LED blinking at a
steady heart beat rate.
4. Manual Reprogramming (used if Eprom
does not automatically reprogram):
a. At power up, the current software
version will be displayed. To
manually program the control board
with the new software, press the
service switch on the control board
to enter service menus. Advance to
” Key. Display will show
“Reprogramming Vendor” while the
yellow LED blinks.
b. Display will show new software
revision, then return to stand by.
This confirms new software has
been successfully updated.
Note: to remove the Eprom after programming,
remove power to the vender, ground yourself on the
vender cabinet before removing the Eprom, remove
the Eprom, while still grounded install a label on the
microprocessor showing the revision of software that
is installed in the controller, power the vender back
on and test for proper operation.
SET LIGHTS OFF TIME - Press key “9”
Allows the service technician to set times and days
for Light operation. Press the number “9” key and
“SET LIGHTS OFF TIME” will show across the
display. Lights Off start time, end time, and days of
the week can now be programmed into the system.
All times must be entered in military time format (24
hour clock). Set Lights Off Time can be set the
same way as Set Not Available Time in the Initial
Programming section of the manual.
ENTER NEW PASSWORD - Press key “0”
Allows the service technician to enter a 4 number
personalized password. IF YOU DECIDE TO
the number “0” on the keypad and “ENTER
PASSWORD” will show across the display. Press
the “” key and the display will read “ENTER
PASSWORD”. Enter the new password, the display
will show for each character Key pressed. Once
new password is complete press “” Key to save.
Display will show “Verify new password”, press new
password, then the “” Key. Display will show
“Password recorded Continue? = Y CLR = N.
Press the “CLR Key to return to “ENTER NEW
PASSWORD”. Press the “CLR” key to return to
“SETUP MODE 1” or press the “A” key to advance to
the next menu item below.
Enter SETUP MODE 2 by opening the main door
and pushing the Service button four times. The
display will read “SETUP MODE 2”
NEXT ITEM - Press key “A”
Turns Space-to-Sales Mode On and Off. When On,
Space-to-Sales vends are performed according to
the configurations defined using “DEFAULT STS”
and/or “CUSTOM STS”. Press the Letter “B” on the
keypad. The display will show the current state of
the Space-to Sales vend mode as “STS ON” OR
“STS OFF”. Press the “” Key, there are now two
1. Press the “CLR” key to leave the Space-to-
Sales vend mode unchanged and return to
2. Press the ” key to toggle the state on or
off. The display will show a new message
indicating the updated state.
Press the “CLR Key to return to “STS ENABLE”.
Press the “CLR” key to return to “SETUP MODE 2”
or press the “A” key to advance to the next menu
item below.
CUSTOM STS - Press key “C”
Configures the Vender Space-to-Sales according to
what is set. Press the letter “C” on the keypad. The
display will show “Custom STS”. Press the “” Key
and display will show “Enter Start Location”.
1. Pressing the “” key will set STS to a one to
one configuration such that each selection is
mapped only to its corresponding column.
Note: This setting overrides any