Service manual

PR $ on the display. Press the key the display
will ask “ALL Prices Set Ok?” Press the
key to
accept or press the CLR key to go back one step
without saving the price.
By Shelf
Upon pressing the 1 key the display will show
“Regular $ XX.XX”. Enter the desired price using the
selection keypad the display will change to “PR
$XX.XX” with XX.XX being the price you just
entered. Press the
key a > will appear under
PR $ on the display. Enter the first 2 digits of any
selection on the shelf that you are changing
(example enter 21 if you want to price the entire top
shelf). Press the
key the display will ask “SET
SHELF X OK?” Press the
key to accept or
press the CLR key to go back one step without
saving the price.
By Selection
Upon pressing the 1 key the display will show
“Regular $ XX.XX”. Enter the desired price using the
selection keypad the display will change to “PR
$XX.XX” with XX.XX being the price you just
entered. Press the
key a > will appear under
PR $ on the display. Enter the selection number on
the keypad. Press the
key the display will ask
“Price XXX ok? Press the
key to accept and
continue entering selections at that price or press
the CLR key to go back one step without saving.
Field B
Enable Combo Discount
This function is used to enable/disable the Combo
Discount. To access this mode, press the Service
Switch 5 times, then press D on the selection
keypad, the display will show “Sat En Combo
Discount”. Press the
key the display will show
the current Combo Discount setting. Press the
key to turn the Combo Discount on or off. Press the
CLR key to return to the menu heading.
NOTE: Once this mode is enabled the stand by
message will change to an attract mode showing the
following flashing message.
IMPORTANT: The Multivend option (Mode 4-1) on
the BevMax 3 5800-4 must be enabled for the
Combo Discount to function.
This function is used to view the accountability
information for the combo vend. To access this
mode, press the Service Switch 5 times, then press
E on the selection keypad the display will show
“Number Combo Discount”. Press the
key the
display will show Total Number XX, where XX is the
total number of Combo Discount vends. Press the
key, the display will change to Total $ .XX
where .XX is the dollar amount discounted. Press
key to return to the Total Number screen or
press the CLR key to go back one step.
This function is used to set the Golden-Eye Policy.
To access this mode, press the Service Switch 5
times, then press 1 on the selection keypad the
display will show “Golden-Eye Policy”. Press the
key the display will show the current Golden
Eye setting on the top line and ‘“
”’ = XXX, where
XXX is the alternate setting either Drop or Home.
Press the
key to change to the alternate
This mode only sets the operating condition of
Selections are enabled/disabled in Mode 5-2.
This function is used to set up the Golden-Eye
Selections. To access this mode, press the Service
Switch 5 times, then press 2 on the selection keypad
the display will show “Set Golden-Eye Sel”. Press
key the display will show the selections
currently active for Golden Eye in the top line, if
necessary press the
key to see any
subsequent screens. If no selections are currently
enabled, the display will show “None Assigned”. The
factory default for Golden Eye is all selections
enabled. Press the
key the display will show
“Enter Start Location” use the selection keypad to
enter the selection number. Press the
key and
the display will show “Enter End Location”, use the
selection keypad to enter the ending location. See
notes below for further explanation.
To Set Single Selections: Enter the same
starting and ending locations.
To Set Entire Shelves: In the Start Location
enter 2X”
” where X represents the shelf number.
The display will change to the ending location screen
with the last selection of that shelf already displayed.
to set.
To Set Entire Machine: In the Start Location
enter 2 ”
” the display will change to show the
selection range of the machine in the top line and
“Continue? “
”=Y” in the bottom line. Press
to set.
To Set a Range of Selections: Enter the starting
selection number into the Start Location then enter
the last selection number into the End Location.
to set. Rules: Single Selection, Range,
Shelf or Entire Machine