Instruction manual

HyTechWorks©2013 – V3.1 35
Then operating the main menu Config->”Motor Home/SoftLimits. For the axis
equipped with a home switch that requires the homing process, put a green tick
in their Auto Zerocolumn (attention: A axis home switch input shares the same
input as the auto tool setting input(If homing is enabled on A axis, the auto tool
setting cant be enabled). Home Neg column defines the location of the
homing switch. If the switch is on the negative direction (seeking towards
negative direction for the home switch in the first stage), put a green tick in this
column. Speed %defined the maximum speed of the second stage as the
percentage of the first stage. When this setting generates stepping pulses more
than 1000Hz, the accuracy is also affected. In this case, the homing accuracy in
theory is
distance per step · pulse frequency
Home Off. is the machine coordinate of the zero switches. its value is set to
HyCNC-4P coordinate when the home switch is triggered again in the second
Soft Max and Soft Min define the working range of an axis. Slow Zone
define deceleration distance before each ends. These values should be set