Instruction manual

60 HyTechWorks©2013 – V3.1
Device Basic Information Reading
BOOL HyCNC_GetStatus(HANDLE hUsb, LPOVERLAPPED olp, HyCNC_StatusStruct *status)
HyCNC_GetStatus reads essential status from HyCNC-4P interface.
hUsbthe handle of the HyCNC interface.
olp pointer to OVERLAPPED structure (see FileRead Visual C++ function for
overlapped I/O access)
status status data read from HyCNC interface.
If the function succeeds, the return value is true. Otherwise, it returns false.
The status data have the following fields:
num number of way point to fill the FIFO buffer in the HyCNC inteface.
cx 32 bit x-axis coordinate count value in motor step.
cy 32 bit y-axis coordinate count value in motor step.
cz 32 bit z-axis coordinate count value in motor step.
ca – 32 bit a-axis coordinate count value in motor step.
cb 32 bit b-axis coordinate count value in motor step.
cc 32 bit c-axis coordinate count value in motor step.
din port #1 inputs.
BOOL HyCNC_GetHardwareInfo(HANDLE hUsb, HyCNC_HardwareInfoStruct *info);
HyCNC_GetHardwareInfo reads HyCNC-4P hardware information.
hUsb - the handle of the HyCNC interface.
info - hardware infomation data.
If the function succeeds, the return value is true. Otherwise, it returns false.
hardware infomation data have the following fields:
type hardware type.
axis number of axis.
option hardware option.
features functional features