Operation Manual

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No music signal on loudspeakers ● + 12 V and/or GROUND (GND/ -12V) and/or “Remote” line not (properly)
and STATUS-LED on amp is red or off connected
● Fuse on amplifier or distributor blown
● Main Fuse on car battery side blown
● Short-circuit on any of the speaker outputs
● DC voltage at speaker outputs
● Amplifier overload
● Amplifier overheated
A high-pitched buzzing sound ● Bad ground (GND) conntact of amplifier or head unit
in- or decreasing with engine speed  Insufficiently shielded RCA interconnects and/or bad RCA cable routing
(inductive interference of on-board electronics)
Crackling sound in- or decreasing ● Insufficient interference elimination of ignition circuitry
with engine speed
Humming ● Sign of ground loop(s), i.e. multiple ground connections of the car audio
installation or parts thereof.
● Check also ground connections of all other audio components conncected