Operation Manual

Sensitivity Adjustments and
Gain Matching
To reach a maximum of dynamic response from your individual head
unit / amplifier / speaker combination, it is important to set the re-
spective input sensitivity controls (GAIN) correctly. Firstly the sensitivity
determines the actual signal-to-noise ratio. Secondly, the sensitivity
also controls the maximum distortion-free sound pressure level (SPL)
possible with your specific car audio system.
It is recommended to effect the sensitivity adjustments and system
LEVEL matching in the same sequence as listed below:
Set all tone controls (Bass, Mid, Treble, Sub) on the head-unit as
well as all fader and balance controls to neutral. The "Loudness"
option should be in the "Off" position, too.
Turn the GAIN control (s) of the connected amplifier(s) to its/their
lowest positions.
Turn-on your head-unit and turn-up the volume control to approxi-
mately 3/4 of full volume and start playing a well recorded, dynamic
piece of music.
2- or 4-channel fullrange operation, only: Slowly turn up the GAIN
control until you can hear distorted sounds. Slowly decrease the LEVEL
control to the point where the distortions will have disappeared. The
system adjustment is completed.
Logical sequence to adjust the input gains of installs with 3/4- or
SUB/ 3- or 5-channel operation (2x) stereo + mono sub, only:
Slowly turn up the GAIN control until you can hear distorted bass
sounds. Slowly decrease the GAIN level control to the point where
the distortions will have disappeared.
Now you reduce the main volume level on the head-unit to medium
listening level.
FRONT/ 3- or 5-channel operation (2x) stereo + mono sub, only:
Start turning up the GAIN 1 + 2 control clockwise until you have
reached good tonal balance between the (front) satellites and the
subwoofer. A slight attenuation of the bass range should be prefer-
red, as this will be compensated later by normal driving noises. For
3-channel operation the system adjustment is completed.
REAR/ 5-channel operation 2x stereo + mono sub, only: Start
turning up the GAIN (REAR) control clockwise until you feel to you
have reached an appropriate 'rear fill' in the back of the car, so that
the overall in-car sound becomes smooth and homogenous.
Finally, you may want to do some fine-tuning on the different high-
pass and lowpass frequencies selected. It is recommended to start
fine-tuning with the subwoofer (LOWPASS FREQ.) Then proceed - if
necessary - with the front satellites and finish the adjustments with
the rear satellites (both HIGHPASS FREQ.).
IMPORTANT: All advice on controls and adjustments of this manual
section is based on the assumption that you are also thoroughly
acquainted with all the requirements and features of the entire
audio equipment – especially the head-unit and the speakers
– connected to this amplifier!
C109-509 Manual DEF.indd 40C109-509 Manual DEF.indd 40 15.02.2005 15:30:34 Uhr15.02.2005 15:30:34 Uhr