User's Manual

Table Of Contents
U-NII Config & User Guide 5.2 Axxcelera Broadband Wireless
15 Rupee
There are configurations that are not covered by the upgrade scripts. Even if they are
covered, you will probably want to add settings that are specific to your network. To do this you
can edit the individual files and rupee them to the units. This is not meant to replace the upgrade
script. It is only meant to send individual configuration files to a unit.
You can send individual files from DOS or LINUX; unlike the upgrade scripts. The
reason for this is that the upgrade script is using expect scripting and can only be run from a
Unix based OS. One note about the rupee-dos is that it can only be run be a true DOS based OS
(Win95 or Win98 not NT). NT uses a Virtual DOS Machine (NTVDM) and will not work with
the rupee-dos command.
If you rupee a file or files to a unit and do not reboot the unit, and
then rupee another file or files to the unit only the last set of files
will be saved to the flash.
1. Make sure you can ping the unit that you want to send files to.
2. Change to the directory that the configuration files are in. The rupee-unix file
must also reside in this directory.
3. To upload individual files:
./rupee-unix –p atmos –d 2 –r <IP Address> <file> <file>
Note: You might have to change the permissions on the rupee-
unix command using “chmod”
chmod +x ./rupee-unix
15.2 DOS
1. Make sure you can ping the unit that you want to send files to.
2. Change to the directory that the configuration files are in. The rupee-unix file
must also reside in this directory.
3. To upload individual files:
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