User's Manual

Table Of Contents
U-NII Config & User Guide 5.2 Axxcelera Broadband Wireless
16 RTFD (Return To Factory Default)
The new Return To Factory Default (RTFD) feature allows IP connectiviey to be
established with units that have unknown or invalid configurations. Using this feature, the AB-
Access unit wil adopt a known IP configuration enabling Command Line Interface access via
telnet through the physical Ethernet interface.
Following a restart or power up, the AB-Access/AB-Extender units will listen for 1
second for a proprietary coded UDP packet on their Ethernet interface; adopting the appropriate
IP configurations as indicated below.
If the unit receives the UDP packet, it will retain the active configuration for 30 minutes,
after which the normal start-up procedures will continue with the IP and interface configuration
taken from the unit’s Flash files. If during the 30 minute period, a subsequent coded UDP packet
is received, the timeout will be restarted.
On Windows 2K and XP you may need to disable the auto media sense. Some NICs will be
capable of disabling this feature from their configuration parameters. If this option is not
available on your NIC you will have to add a registry entry. Axxcelera has created a reg
edit that can be installed by simply double clicking on the media-sense.reg file. Or you can
enter the following register key via regedit.
16.1 RTFD IP Configurations
Ethernet Interface Access: IP Address
Default Route
16.2 Recover
To supply the coded UDP packet the “recover” utility is provided with the system software in
two forms.
recover-dos.exe - For use with a DOS prompt under Microsoft Windows.
March 10, 2003 Company Confidential Page 148 of 149