User's Manual

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U-NII Config & User Guide 5.2 Axxcelera Broadband Wireless
subnet netmask {
option routers;
host AP1 {
hardware ethernet 0:c0:69:0c:52:2f;
For various reasons it may be desired to not use DHCP to give an AP an address. In this
case the IP address can be statically assigned to the unit. To do this you will need to create a
resolve file that looks identical to the 1483_T static resolve file described in the section for Static
2. Make sure the MAC address is correct. Without the correct MAC address the AP
can not register. You can verify this by tailing the adapcs.log file. In this example an SU with the
indicated MAC address is trying to register and is not found in the database. Either the SU was
not added to the EMS or was entered with the wrong MAC address.
[root@cs1 /root]# tail -f /var/log/adapcs.log
CS[12399.8192](16Dec 21:33:39.524 ): Protocol: 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 00 14 00 01 00 c0 69 0c 52 2f 77 94
CS[12399.8192](16Dec 21:33:39.524 ): DynAccessPointImpl (1483_T AP): handleEstablishConnection (AP 00c0690c522f)
CS[12399.8192](16Dec 21:33:39.524 ): DynAccessPointImpl (1483_T AP): Received ESTABLISH_CONNECTION message
from unknown AP ap_02 1216_135100016_111
3. If the CS is on a different network, than the default route in the AP must be
correct. SU Object
If the SU will not register make sure all the fields in the EMS database are filled in
properly. Here are a few important points that should be kept in mind if the SU doesn’t register.
Many different things can cause the SU not to register so after verifying all of these points and it
still doesn’t register the next step will be to troubleshoot the RF link. See RF troubleshooting.
1. Make sure the MAC address is correct. Without the correct MAC address the AP
can not register. You can verify this by tailing the adapcs.log file. In this example an SU with
this MAC address is trying to register and is not found in the database, which means when you
created the object it had the wrong MAC address.
[root@cs1 /root]# tail -f /var/log/adapcs.log
CS[12801.8192](16Dec 21:39:20.034 ): Protocol: 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 05 00 14 00 04 00 c0 69 0b 58 7f b5 10
CS[12801.8192](16Dec 21:39:20.034 ): RegistrarProtocol: SU 00c0690b587f is already registering
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