User's Manual Part 2

Radio1MWds0 up
Radio1MWds1 up
FastEthernet0 up
FastEthernet1 unassigned administratively down
In the above list, two physical radio interfaces and two physical fast-ethernet interfaces were
included. In addition, one auto WDS
logical interface bound to Dot11Radio0 (Radio0AWds0),
two manual WDS interfaces bound to Dot11Radio0 (Radio0MWds0-1), and two manual WDS
interfaces bound to Dot11Radio1 (Radio1MWds0-1) were displayed. The prefix of the WDS
interface name indicates the radio that the WDS interface uses.
Viewing WDS Interface information.
MSR2000# show run
interface dot11radio 0
wds 0
remote mac 00:0b:6b:35:36:bc
ip address
no shutdown
interface dot11radio 1
wds 0
remote node 5 0
ip address
no shutdown
MSR2000# show interface dot11radio 0 wds 0
Interface Radio0MWds0
admin status: up physical status: up neighbor ip:
rssi: 79, snr: 79, link quality: 91%, datarate: 60
remote mac address:00:0b:6b:35:36:bc, physical interface:0,
index 20 metric 1 mtu 2100 <UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>
HWmode: a, channel: 48, Fragment thr: 2346, RTS thr: 2347
HWaddr: 00:0b:6b:35:e8:5d
inet broadcast
input packets 6077, bytes 1429442, dropped 0, multicast packets 0
input errors 0, length 0, overrun 0, CRC 0, frame 0, fifo 0, missed 0
output packets 6082, bytes 1602424, dropped 0
output errors 0, aborted 0, carrier 0, fifo 0, heartbeat 0, window 0
collisions 0
Figure 10 Output of dot11wds interface
See the next chapter on RFM for information on auto WDS link discovery.
MSR2000 CLI Configuration Guide