User's Manual Part 2

PING ( 56 data bytes
--- ping statistics ---
6 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
MSR2000# traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
1 ( 7.134 ms 1.323 ms 0.821 ms
Figure 24 Output of ping & traceroute information
Telnet Client & Server
MSR2000 can play role as Telnet Client and Telnet Server.
Telnet Client
When MSR2000 acts as Telnet client, you can use command telnet to access other
Telnet Server
When MSR2000 acts as Telnet server, you should use command ip telnet server to
enable the service. Telnet Server disable by default.
Table 41 Telnet Client & Server configuration
Command Syntax Command Mode Purpose
telnet { <A.B.C.D> |
<hostname> } [port]
Privileged EXEC Access remote device through Telnet.
ip telnet server
no ip telnet server
Configuration Enable telnet server.
Disable telnet server
Viewing Telnet Server configuration
ip telnet server
Auto Recovery
Auto Recovery is an advanced feature provided by MSR2000, When enabled, Auto
Recovery will automatically detect and recover from system fault. When configured with
a portal IP, auto recovery would also monitor its connectivity with the portal node. If the
connectivity is lost and auto recovery believes it is due to a local problem, it will
automatically reboot the router as an attempt to restore its normal working state.
MSR2000 CLI Configuration Guide