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Document# 430-00137-03 © Copyright 2003-2006, Bioscrypt Inc. All rights reserved.
itself. For security purposes, the SiteKey shall not be stored within the
VeriAdmin software or PC, and may NOT be retrieved by the V-Smart. For
more information on the SiteKey, please refer to the Veri-Series Operations
Manual: Appendix E- V-Smart Administrator SiteKey Management.
9.5. User Interface
The V-Smart shall have a common user interface. A green LED on the front of
the reader shall indicate that power is on. A bi-color LED on the top of the
reader shall display green, red, or amber (green and red together). The top
LED may display in an off, solid or blinking (flashing) state. The color and state
of the top LED may also be customized through the use of the VeriAdmin
software. By default, the color and state of the top LED shall have particular
meanings as shown in Table 1: V-Smart LED Feedback.
Top LED Indicator Meaning
Off Reader is Idle
Solid Red No Templates Stored on Smart Card
Biometric Authentication Failed
Solid Amber Place Finger on Sensor
Solid Green Biometric Authentication Accepted
Enrollment Fingerprint Image Captured
Flashing Red SiteKey Invalid*
Table 1: V-Smart LED Feedback
*If the V-Smart top LED returns a flashing red state after presenting a smart
card to the reader, this indicates that the V-Smart was unable to read the
card due to an invalid SiteKey between the V-Smart and the smart card. For
more information on the SiteKey refer to Section 9.4: SiteKey.
9.6. Fingerprint Placement: Lock, Drop & Hold
A Ridge-Lock shall be provided as part of the fingerprint sensor mask as a
fingerprint placement guide and a means to discharge ESD. To properly
place the finger on the sensor, the user should slide their finger across this
Ridge-Lock, parallel to the sensor. Once the Ridge-Lock locks into place
under the first joint, the user should then lower the finger evenly onto the
sensor and apply moderate pressure. The user should hold the finger on the
sensor until the top LED turns off and returns a green LED. A Macromedia Flash
animation depicting proper fingerprint placement using the Ridge-Lock may