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Document# 430-00137-03 © Copyright 2003-2006, Bioscrypt Inc. All rights reserved.
Low (4) 1/5000 1/200
Very Low (5) 1/10,000 1/100
None (0)* 0 1
Password Only (6)** 0 1
Table 2: Security Threshold Error Rates
The V-Smart by default shall be configured to a Medium Global and
Template Security Threshold. This threshold level is referred to as the Equal
Error Rate (EER) or the point at which the FRR is equal to the FAR. As shown
above, the EER for the V-Smart is 1/1000.
*The None Template Security Threshold level shall be applicable only to
individual fingerprint template files and may not be applied as a global
reader setting. When a level of None is selected for an individual fingerprint
template, the reader shall not initiate a biometric authentication and shall
instead accept any user that presents a card corresponding to a validly
enrolled fingerprint template. There shall be two options for this setting: a
finger is required, but any finger shall be accepted (the default setting), or no
finger shall be required.
**The Password Only Template Security Threshold is not applicable on a V-
Smart reader and is instead intended for a V-Station reader. Note that the V-
Smart shall not require a finger to be presented for biometric authentication
for any fingerprint templates with a Template Security Threshold level of
Password Only. For more information on this setting please contact Technical
11. VeriAdmin Management Software
Each V-Smart reader shall include a CD-ROM containing the VeriAdmin PC
software. The VeriAdmin software supports Windows 98/NT4.0/ME/2000/XP. It is not
tested under other Windows-compatible or non-Windows-based operating
The VeriAdmin Management Software may be used to perform the following
Secure smart cards with a SiteKey.
Configure V-Smart smart card reader security settings
Read/Write the fingerprint template information to a smart card
Enroll new user fingerprint templates
Edit existing user fingerprint templates