Instruction Manual

Command1 is used to write a data value to the slave device. The value specified by Text5 is written to the
IO Point array indexed by Text4. Again, the application must determine whether to write a coil or register
value by examininig the Address property. The control data is automatically refreshed after a write
operation so the next ready event should displaythe results of the write.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If (Modbuss1.Address < 30000) Then
Call write_coil
Else: Call write_register
End If
End Sub
Public Sub write_coil()
Dim index, value As Integer
If (IsNumeric(Text4)) Then
index = Text4
End If
If (IsNumeric(Text5)) Then
value = Text5
End If
If ((index < 20) And (value <= 1)) Then
Modbuss1.Coil(index) = value
End If
End Sub
Public Sub write_register()
Dim index, value As Integer
If (IsNumeric(Text4)) Then
index = Text4
End If
If (IsNumeric(Text5)) Then
value = Text5
End If
If (index < 20) Then
Modbuss1.Register(index) = value
End If
End Sub