User's Manual

Problem Cause Solution
The red imager light illu-
minates but the SP400X
takes more than a few
seconds to scan.
The SP400X may be positioned too far from
Ensure that the SP400X is aimed directly at the target.
Ensure that the SP400X is 2-12” away from the target.
Invalid target or barcode.
Red scanning light will not turn off
immediately after scan.
Scan a different barcode or target to verify usage
Ensure that the SP400X is configured to read this barcode
or target
The barcode or target is damaged or
If available, scan another barcode or target.
Scans are not successful. Poor scanning technique. Make sure you are following the instructions in ”SCAN,”
Damaged or poor print template quality. If available, scan an alternate bar code.
NOTE: It may be necessary to scan the Standard Product
Default Settings bar code in RESET THE STANDARD
PRODUCT DEFAULTS” in the “Advanced use” section.
The target surface is highly reflective (for
example, tape or lamination).
Wait for the firmware update to complete. See “Update
firmware wirelessly” in the Advanced use section
Unrecognized bar code symbology. It may be necessary to scan the Standard Product Default
DEFAULTS” in the “Advanced use” section.
FIGURE 9-3 Problems scanning
Problems printing
FIGURE 9-4 Problems printing
Problem Cause Solution
The SP400X does not
The SP400X did not scan a valid barcode or
- If configured for this sequence -
Check that the SP400X is powered on. If the green power
light does not stay illuminated, refer to the “Problems
powering on” section
Check that the SP400X is connected to the network. If the
blue wireless light does not stay illuminated, refer to the
“Problems connecting to wireless network” section
Print data from the server was not received.
Green tail lights did not turn on to indicate
Ensure wireless connectivity to the server. Refer to the
‘Problems connecting to wireless network’ section.
After a pause, red tail light flashes once with one beep, then
slow blue blink immediately follows.
Verify that there should be a response from the server. It
may be a no print message.
Ensure that valid data was received from server.
Red tail lights flash twice
The print template is Invalid or missing.
Red tail lights blink slowly twice2x. The
SP400X emits 3-4; low-high-mid tones 3x
or 4x
Ensure that the print templates are loaded correctly.
Reload the print templates.
If a firmware upgrade was recently attempted, verify that
the firmware upgrade completed.
The SP400X timed out before the print was
Scan again and complete the print more quickly, before the
time out is reached.
SP400X Series - 9. Troubleshoot problems and get support