
Radiant white clouds against a deep blue sky or saturated fall colors are no
coincidence. Polarizing lters block the bluish gray veil from the diffusely
polarized light of the sky. They augment the purity of true colors and increase
color saturation. Polarizing lters are amongst the most important lters in
(digital) photography. They can be rotated in the mount, allowing the visible
regulation of the elimination effect in the viewnder or on the display. The
lter factor is two to three f-stops. The maximum effect is achieved at a
shooting angle of 0° to the sun. For an even effect in the picture,  mm (or
28 mm in  mm lm format) should be the minimum. The second benecial
effect of pol lters is the reduction of reections on non-metallic surfaces
(water, shop windows, lacquer). Objects behind these surfaces, including
writing behind reecting lacquer, are made visible. A fascinating way to
enhance images without using photo editing. Circular pol lters are recom-
mended for digital cameras.
Unwanted reections on glass (right) are removed by the
pol lter
With pol lter: Pure, authentic colors, more brilliance
Without pol lter: Typical gray-blue haze on sunny days