
The term “soft focus attachment” does not do justice to this soft lter. The
lter delivers sharp pictures which are softly overlaid with unsharpness.
Details such as eyelashes do not taper into unsharpness, while skin blem-
ishes are gently covered up. Small mini-lenses are distributed randomly
on a precisely plane-parallel glass disc. They scatter the light and overlay
the sharp core image with hazy, diffuse halos. This opens up deep shadows,
while highlights themselves are hardly blurred, but instead form a shim-
mering aura in the darker surroundings. Professionals, even in Hollywood
lms, use these stable glass lters when aiming for perfect beauty shots.
The effect cannot be achieved with image-processing software (e.g. Gauss-
ian blur).
Even minimal skin blemishes remain recognizable without the
Soft Pro lter
Lip gloss as a hard reection instead of a soft shimmer
The sensual enamel of ne beauty photos is not achieved only by diffuse
lighting. The B+W Soft Pro lter overlays the sharp core image with the
optimum degree of attering unsharpness. Fine structures such as eye-
lashes remain recognizable. Skin blemishes, on the other hand, are re-
duced. Highlights, here the lip gloss, are surrounded by a subtle shimmer.