
The trend towards ultra-compact design in
(zoom) lenses does not always leave enough
room for a normal  lter thickness. With
extreme angles of view and very short focal
lengths, marginal rays obliquely incident
at the image corners can be shadowed. To
avoid such vignetting, B+W has developed
the very thin Slim Wide-Angle Filter Mount
without a front thread. The mount is only
three millimeters thick. The Slim polariz-
ing  lter is  ve millimeters thick due to its
thicker glass. In most cases, shots are thus
possible up to 1 mm in  mm format (ap-
prox. 104° angle of view) without vignetting
caused by the  lter mount. Despite their thin
design, the Slim mounts are also charac-
terized by excellent mechanical  nishing.
Precision-engineered retaining rings which
guarantee the lasting, stable attachment
of the high-grade  lter glass. The unique
Käsemann-type polarizing  lters are now
also available in a Slim mount only  mm
thick. The table on page 0 shows which  l-
ters other than in the Standard F-Pro Mount
are also available in the Slim version.
For even more extreme angles of view
or super-wide angles with a narrow tube
diameter and other special cases such as
lenses with an excessively image circle, the
oversized mount is the ideal solution. In this
special design the mount and the  lter glass
protrude far beyond the screw-in thread.
Even in particularly critical cases, the over-
dimensioned  lter diameter ensures that
light incident at a highly oblique angle in the
corners of the image is not impeded. This
means that vignetting caused by the  lter
is de nitely ruled out. In the critical cases
in which these  lters are used, no lens
hoods should attached as these could cause
vignetting. The B+W Wide-Angle Filters
with oversized mount are available in many
popular sizes.
The improved Standard Filter Mount F-Pro
has high mechanical stability despite its
shallow design. It can be used on most
wide-angle lenses without the danger of
vignetting. However, exact data regarding
focal length and angle of view limitations
are not possible because vignetting depends
not only on the height of the  lter mount
and the angle of view, but also on the tube
design of the front of the lens. As a guide,
this  lter mount can be used without vignet-
ting on  mm camera lenses (approx. 6°
diagonal angle of view). In addition, most
wide-angle lenses with 28 mm (approx. °
angle of view) and in many cases even with
24 mm (approx. 84° angle of view) can be
combined with the F-Pro mount without the
risk of vignetting. The same angles of view
apply to lenses in digital cameras. Despite
the thinner design, others  lters, snap caps
or lens hoods can be attached easily and
safely to the front thread.
Another advantage of the new F-Pro  lter
mount: the  lter glass is no longer held in
place from the front, but from the back by
the retaining ring. This prevents the retain-
ing ring from being accidentally loosened
during the removal of an additional  lter or
a lens hood that has been screwed in too
tightly. Innovation and excellent material
and manufacturing quality make the Stand-
ard Filter Mount F-Pro a lastingly stable,
rounded piece of high tech.
Digital photography also bene ts from qual-
ity  lters. The new Digital Pro lter mount
is geared specially to the design and mount
diameters of digital cameras and camcord-
ers. The silver, hard chrome-plating on
the outside follows the pale color trends of
digital cameras and forms a harmonious
unit with the lenses. In terms of its design,
this high-quality mount is based on the
F-Pro model. There are currently 1 mount
sizes available between 2. and 2 mm.
If required, the range will be extended
are not possible because vignetting depends
not only on the height of the  lter mount
and the angle of view, but also on the tube
design of the front of the lens. As a guide,
this  lter mount can be used without vignet-
ting on  mm camera lenses (approx. 6°
diagonal angle of view). In addition, most
wide-angle lenses with 28 mm (approx. °
Digital photography also bene ts from qual-
ity  lters. The new Digital Pro lter mount
is geared specially to the design and mount
diameters of digital cameras and camcord-
ers. The silver, hard chrome-plating on
the outside follows the pale color trends of