
If photo equipment is to include lenses with different  lter thread di-
ameters, the B+W adapter rings can adapt  lters and supplementary
lenses to different lens diameters. This is less expensive than buying
several lenses with the same  lter type – money that would be better
invested in a larger selection of  lters. When buying  lters, check the
largest diameter required. In principle, small  lters can be adapted
to lenses with larger diameters. B+W also provides a selection of
adapter rings, but there may be a risk of vignetting. When there are
three different diameters to cater for at the same time, adapter rings
can also be combined if necessary. However, increased thickness
due to several mounts can also result in vignetting. B+W offers
a wide range of adapter rings, for lens diameters or bayonets from
28 to 100 mm.
There is no better cleansing and care cloth for sensitive optical
equipment: The B+W Photo Clear is made from a high-tech micro-
ber which is free of chemicals and lint, and cleans gently but
thoroughly. It can be washed in an environmentally safe manner,
and used again and again without losing any of its properties – an
accessory of frequently underestimated importance for imaging
performance. Available in approx. 6 x 26 cm and 1 x 1 cm sizes,
each with a protective plastic envelope.
Persistent marks on highly sensitive optical surfaces cannot be
removed with a cloth alone. The B+W Photo Cleaner has been devel-
oped for this purpose. It is a silicone-saturated, antistatic cleansing
solution with highly effective cleansing agents which leave no un-
wanted residue on the glass. The propellant-free pump spray is
simple to use, non- ammable and bio-degradable. Indispensable
for photo trekking or outdoor action photography.
Lens caps for the front or back as well as covers for the camera body
have something mystifying in common: They disappear for no appar-
ent reason, only to reappear the next time you move house. So it is
good to know that you can always rely on the tried and tested B+W
range of caps and covers to protect front lenses,  lters or camera
bodies from dust and mechanical damage.