
These lter pouches are made of padded, heavy-duty and water-re-
pellent nylon fabric with practical Velcro fasteners and a white space
for labeling. They provide excellent protection for the individual
Available in three sizes:
E 1 11. x 11. cm for  lter sizes up to  E;
E 2 14. x 14. cm for  lter sizes up to 10 E;
E  20.0 x 20.0 cm for  lter sizes larger than 10 E
2. and 2 mm are available. If required, the range will be
The folding, foam-padded pouch made of  exible plastic material can
hold up to six  lters. Snap fasteners and transparent inner compart-
ments ensure quick, easy access and the secure positioning of the
lters. When folded, the pouch also  ts into the front compartment of
a photo bag for fast, convenient removal. B 4 is suitable for 4  lters,
sizes up to 86. B 6 is suitable for  lter sizes up to 62 E.
B+W provides various cases and soft cases for the safe, dust-proof
storage of  lters. The  at, handy  lter cases made of hard but trans-
parent plastic let you see right away which  lter is stored inside.
A shock-absorbing foam insert prevents slipping and rattling.
The sturdy individual cases are available in three sizes, with additio-
nally available inserts reducing the dimensions for smaller  lters:
Size BH for  lters and special effects attachments up to 2 E
(with insert up to 48 E);
Size D for  lters up to 82 E (with insert up to 62 E);
Size E for  lters up to 10 E