Operation Manual

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A weight loss or weight gain that is too great over a
relatively short period is synonymous with stress for
your body. Regular and moderate loss will respect your
body more.
Blue Green Yellow Orange Red
Delta (∆Kg)
∆Kg < -1000g
-1000g ≤ ∆Kg < -400g
-400g ≤ ∆Kg ≤ 400g
400g < ∆Kg ≤ 1000g
∆Kg > 1000g
b. Body mass index (BMI)
The body mass index lets you estimate overweight or
underweight. Its classication indicates a predispos-
tion to weight-related risks. It is calculated using the
following formula: BMI = weight (Kg)/Height2 (m2). For
a more detailed interpretation of the BMI, please refer
to the following table (also found on the detachable
part of the cover):
Important: Don’t focus on a single measurement, but
observe the progress over time. Short-term uctua-
tions are normal. Keep in mind that you know your
body best; the tables below are for information only.
These indications should never be used as a substitute
for medical opinion! If you are in any way concerned
about your health, consult your doctor.