
Instruction 0019-9208
O Monitor 3010
2.10 Pump Operation
Important! The restrictor (Figure 1, Item C) must be removed
for the pump to operate in the ppm mode; otherwise, the moni-
tor will au to mat i cal ly enter the auto-stablization mode as
described in Section 2.8.
With the monitor already switched ON, momentarily pressing the f3 but-
ton turns the internal pump ON. Pressing f3 again turns the pump OFF.
We recommend attaching the supplied particulate lter (Figure 1, Item M)
to the gas inlet connector whenever the pump is used. A cus tom er sup plied
/16" I.D. sampling tube (not exceed 6 feet [1.8 m] in length) can be con-
nect ed to the top of the par tic u late lter for drawing in gas sam ples from
hard-to-reach lo ca tions.
Note: When switching the pump ON/OFF, a zero reading
may offset from 5–10 ppm, but will stabilize after a couple of
The internal pump is intended for use only at normal at mo spher ic pres-
sure, and is not designed to draw in gas samples against a vacuum or an
obstruction such as a kinked sampling hose. The pump is capable, howev-
er, of pulling a gas sam ple against a restriction such as a dryer lter. If an
obstruction or neg a tive-pressure gradient is present, then gas will not be
drawn into the monitor. Please consult the factory for ap pli ca tions where
longer sampling lengths are required, or where it is nec es sary to draw
against a vacuum.
2.11 Data Logging
The monitor automatically stores data in both the normal and TWA/twa
modes at preset intervals of 1 minute. Although the time interval can be
changed using the optional BACH-COM software, we recommend that the
logging interval be kept at its factory setting for effective TWA/twa calcu-
lations. The monitor is capable of storing approximately 800 readings.
While in its data logging mode, the monitor will continue to add read-
ings into memory at preset intervals. Each stored reading is the average
reading during that period—not a ‘snapshot’ at the end of the interval.
This en sures that no peaks in concentrations are lost, even if they occur
between storage periods. When the memory is full the oldest data will
be over writ ten, so in normal use there is no need to clear the mem o ry. If
desired, mem o ry can be cleared using the optional BACH-COM soft ware.