
Fall 2009 Semester Milestones
Research and Planning
Week 1- Week 2
Group member recruitment
Week 3
Exploring potential project ideas
Week 4
Discussion of potential ideas
Week 5 Week 6
Research the feasibility of ideas and finalize idea
Week 7
Divide and Conquer Excise
Group Organization
Week 8
Define project goals and features
Week 9 Week 10
Establish individual’s responsibility and position,
establish a budget and organize future meeting date
and location
Week 11
Research existing products and design & determine
if there is a market for the product
Week 12
Research required part components
Purchase primitive parts for testing and data
Week 13
Research required skill sets and determine feasibility
of features
Prototype planning and design
Week 14
Define documentation criteria and responsibilities
among group members.
Week 15
Parts comparison and selection documentation
Evaluate primitive design
Goal: 50% completion of documentation
Week 16
Finalize the initial documentation for submission
Table 6.2.1. Fall 2009 Milestone Chart.
6.2.2 Spring 2010 Semester
Spring 2010 semester will be dedicated for building and testing, although
continuous research will be need. Our goal for spring semester is to develop a
fully working prototype, revise our documentation to reflect on all necessary
change we may have made, create a professional website to present our project
to a larger audience and finally, a presentation to a panel of professors with
expertise in the area of our project scope.