User's Manual

Page 20
Trimble® Ranger™
You may also tap on any colored title bar at any time and see a temporary popup information bar detailing the current bat-
tery status:
Copyright Screen
The Copyright screen is the starting point for the route reading program. From here, you can:
• View the route reading program name, version, and copyright information
• View the Trimble Rangers “Friendly Name
- Every Trimble Ranger is assigned a globally unique name (GUID) consisting of an excessive number of characters.
This GUID is not duplicated anywhere in the world, however using the GUID is unreasonable due to the number
of characters used. As a result, each Trimble Ranger also has a “Friendly Name. The “Friendly Name” is a user as-
signed name that allows the user to differentiate between other Trimble handhelds. It is very important that you
assign unique names to each, especially in the case you own more than one Trimble.
• View information about the reading data currently loaded on the Trimble Ranger
• View Trademarks used by the program.
• Continue to the route reading program.
• Exit the program
• View the GUID and change the Trimble Rangers ”Friendly Name