User's Manual

Page 28
Trimble® Ranger™
Reading Meters
The Read Screen shows specific information about the meter to be read including:
• Meter information appears on the first five lines of the display. This information can be customized by the user
through Badger Meter Reading Data Management Software. See the Badger Meter Reading Data Management Soft-
ware manual for information on setting the account information loaded to the Trimble Ranger.
• The sixth line will display user-customizable information.
• The type of meter reading technology in use for this meter (ORION, MANUAL, TOUCH) is shown on the seventh line
to the right of the reading entry box.
• The service that this meter is measuring (Water, Gas, Electric, Reclaim, etc.) is also shown on the seventh line to the
right of the reading entry box.
• The current meter reading (after the reading has been gathered or the previous reading depending on the informa-
tion parsed by the billing software and READCENTER software setup) is shown on the seventh line.
In this example, the information chosen for the first five lines are the
1. Customer’s name
2. Customer’s address
3. Meter location code
4. ORION Serial Number
5. Route Name/Sequence Number
The customer’s name is John Smith, located at 111 Smith Lane, the meter serial number is 163777887 and the route name is
NOTE: When displaying a name, the Badger Meter Reading Data Management Software determines the display order. If
Badger Meter Reading Data Management Software downloads the last name first, the handheld will display the name in
that manner.