User's Manual

Page 63
Installation & Operation Manual
Route Completion Messages
While you are reading meters, the READCENTER® software is monitoring progress for all of the meters loaded into the hand-
held. If the last meter in a route is read, you’ll see a message like this denoting that the route is completed.
Select the “OK” LEFT Soft Menu key to acknowledge that you have seen the alert message.
The Route Completion messages will also be displayed if you are entering the read screen after displaying the Copyright
screen. This is handy as a reminder of your progress when coming back from lunch, or resuming reading after a long break.
When all of the Routes have been read, you’ll see this message.
Summary of the Meter Reading Process
The process of meter reading using the Trimble Ranger is simple and easy to remember. Heres a summary of the steps in the
meter reading process that includes the buttons you need to press to perform the functions.
• Choose the Account Group you wish to read in the Badger Meter Reading Data Management Software
- Use the Load Collector function in Badger Meter Reading Data Management Software to create the files and send
them to the Trimble Ranger