Installation Guide

Nova-233 G2 Outdoor LTE TDD Base Station Installation Guide
Installation Environment 2.3
2.3.1 Locational Requirements
Environments with high-temperatures, harmful gases, unstable voltages, volatile
vibrations, loud noises, flames, explosives, and electromagnetic interference (large radar
stations, transmitting stations, transformer substations) are not suitable for the operation
of Nova-233 G2, and thus should be avoided.
Places prone to have impounded water, soaking, leakage, or condensation, should also
be avoided.
Factors like climate, hydrology, geology, earthquake, electric power, and transportation
should be taken into consideration in the construction process so that a proper location
can be chosen to meet the communication engineering environmental requirements, as
well as the technical requirements of network planning and communication equipment.
2.3.2 Environmental Requirements
Table 2-2 gives the base station’s environmental requirements with regards to
temperature, humidity, and voltage.
Table 2-2 Environmental Requirements
Typical value
-40°C to 55°C
Relative humidity
(no condensation)
0% to 100%
5% to 95%
Safety voltage
42V to 58V
2.3.3 Space Requirements
After the base station has installed, the enough space must be provided for operation
and maintenance. And for heat dissipation and normal running of the base station, the
space must be planed before installation, as shown in Figure 2-1.