User Manual

P/N: 17-1320 REV 01 (03-06) PAGE 52 OF 116
5.1.2 ISO 15693
ISO 15693 was established at a time when the RFID industry identified that the lack of
standards was preventing the market from growing. Philips Semiconductor and Texas
Instruments were, at that time, the major manufacturers producing RFID ICs for the
Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM)
frequency of 13.56MHz. However, each had their
own unique protocol and modulation algorithm. Philips Semiconductor’s I-CODE® and
Texas Instruments Tag-it® product lines were eventually standardized on the mutually
compatible ISO 15693 standards. After the decision was made to standardize, the door
was opened for other silicon manufacturers to enter the RFID business, many of which
have since contributed to other RFID ISO definitions. This healthy competition has led to
rapid growth in the RFID industry and has pushed the development of new standards,
such as ISO 18000 for Electronic Product Code (EPC) applications.
5.1.3 ISO 18000-3.1
The ISO 18000 standard has not been implemented in the Cobalt HF product line at the
time of publication of this manual. It is a planned product enhancement for future
releases. The emerging ISO 18000 Standard will provide enhanced support for EPC and
Unique Identification (UID) tag applications.