User Manual Part 1

RFID Interface
LRP820S-Series Long-Range Passive Reader/Writers
ABxS Command 83H: Start/Stop Continuous SN
Read All
Starts and stops continuous read all mode for multiple tags. It reads
the Serial Number and tag data. If the read length is zero (0), then
only the tag's serial number is read. While in this mode, any other
command can be issued and it will be handled properly. After
processing the new command, the controller will resume the
continuous read. Continuous SN Read all is started or stopped by the
start/stop Byte in the command. A one indicates it is TRUE to start
and a zero (0) indicated it is FALSE to start, or to stop continuous
read. The command has a parameter, Repeat Count, that can prevent
multiple reads of the same tag. A tag is not read a second time until
this specified number of tags have been read since it was last read.
Allowed values are from 0 to 255, where 0 means the tag can be re-
read anytime. When Start/Stop Continuous SN Read All is interrupted
with other command, the repeat count is stopped during execution of
the other commands and then resumed. The Reader/Writer will
respond with an acknowledge packet followed by data packets for
each tag read.
Field Remarks
Command Command number in hex preceded by
Family ID Tag Family ID - 00H = all tags
Reserved 00H
Start Address Tag address for the start of the read
Read Length One word for the number of bytes to be
Repeat Count Number of tag that must be read before
the same tag will be read again(0-255)
Start/Stop 0001H to start, 0000H to stop
Message Terminator FFFFH