User Manual Part 2

RFID Interface
LRP820S-Series Long-Range Passive Reader/Writers
Writes 41H -- the ASCII character "A" -- to all tags with Family Code
03H, starting at address 0005H for the following next consecutive 40
Bytes. A timeout of 2 seconds (07D0H = 2000 x 1 msec increments) is
set for the completion of the configuration. Four tags are found and
filled successfully.
Command from host Response from controller
Field Content Field Content
Header 0202H Header 0202H
Command Size 000AH Response Size 0003H
Command Code 84H Command Echo 84H
Family Code 03H Numbers of tags 04H
Reserved 00H Status Byte 08H
Start address 0005H Checksum 6CH
Number of Bytes 0028H Termin at o r 03H
Timeout,2 seconds 07D0H
Data Value Byte 41H
Checksum 27H
Terminator 03H