User Manual Part 2

RFID Interface
LRP820S-Series Long-Range Passive Reader/Writers
ABxF Command 8BH: Write Family Code All
This command can be used to write the Family Code of all tags in the
field. It can also be used to selectively rewrite the family codes of tags
with Family Codes already set to a particular value.
The command is formatted as shown below.
Field Content
Header 0202H
Command Size Command length in Bytes excluding the
header, command size, checksum and
terminator Bytes. 06H for this command.
Command 8BH
Current Family Code Tag Family ID - 00H = all tags used to
select which tags are addressed
Reserved Ignored, set to 00H
Timeout Timeout value given in 1 ms units
New Family Code The value which will be written to the
Family Codes of all the addressed tags
Checksum Optional Checksum
Message Terminator 03H