User's Manual

Table Of Contents
This example will read the 8-byte serial number from Tag Family 2. The
Anticollision Index of 2 sets the number of expected tags at 4-8. In this ex
ample the SN for the found tag is 1E6E3CD200000000H in hexadecimal.
Multiple tags will return a complete response packet for each tag.
Copyright © 2000 Escort Memory Systems
LRP830-Series Long-Range Passive Reader/Writer
Command from Host
MSB LSB Remarks
AAH 87H Perform Command 87
02H 02H Tag Family 02 / Index 2
07H D0H Timeout
FFH FFH Message Terminator
Response from LRP830
MSB LSB Remarks
AAH 87H Command Echo
00H 1EH First SN byte
00H 6EH Second SN byte
00H 3CH Third SN byte
00H D2H Fourth SN byte
00H 00H Fifth SN byte
00H 00H Sixth SN byte
00H 00H Seventh SN byte
00H 00H Eighth SN byte
FFH FFH Message Terminator
AAH FFH Termination Packet
01H 08H Ntags/Status
FFH FFH Message Terminator