User's Manual

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ABxS Command 89 (89H): EAS Set/Reset All
Sets or resets the EAS feature in tag memory for all tags in range, and of the
specified Family, when the command is issued.
The commands contains a 1 byte parameter that enables or disables the EAS
feature in tags that receive the command. When the EAS Set/Reset All com
mand is issued, the LRP830 responds with the number of tags affected
(Ntag). If the LRP830 returns a 0 for Ntag it means that no tags were set or
reset by the command.
When multiple tag-in-field is enabled (Anticollision Index is not 0), the
LRP830 will return a response when the timeout period expires. When mul
tiple tag-in-field is disabled, the LRP830 will return a response when it reads
a tag or the timeout expires.
Field Remarks
Command Command number in hex preceded by AAH
Family ID Tag Family ID - 00H = all tags
Anticollision Index Number of tags expected
Timeout 2-byte timeout value in 1 ms increments (1EH - FFFEH)
Set/Reset 1 = Set, 0 = Reset EAS
Message Terminator FFFFH
This example assumes that the tags-in-field are not enabled for the EAS
feature. It will enabled the EAS feature for tags with Family ID 09H. The
Anticollision Index is 2, so 4-8 tags are expected in the field. When the com
mand is issued, 5 tags with Family ID 09H are found and enabled for EAS.
Copyright © 2000 Escort Memory Systems
LRP830-Series Long-Range Passive Reader/Writer
Command from Host
MSB LSB Remarks
AAH 89H Perform Command 89
09H 02H Family ID/Anticollision Index 2
07H D0H Timeout
00H 01H Set EAS
FFH FFH Message Terminator
Response from LRP830
MSB LSB Remarks
AAH 89H Command Echo
05H 08H Ntags/Status
FFH FFH Message Terminator