User's Manual

Table Of Contents
ABxS Command 8A (8AH): EAS Start/Stop
If are using the EAS feature in your application, the EAS Start/Stop com
mand enters and exits the LRP820 from EAS mode.
When EAS mode has been started, the LRP820 will return a response when
one or more EAS-enabled tags have entered the antenna field. It will send a
second response when all EAS-enabled tags have exited the field. The com
mand contains a control byte that toggles EAS: 1 = start, 0 = stop. A Family
ID can be set so that only EAS-enabled tags from the specified Family trig
ger EAS responses. The Anticollision Index is ignored and should be set to
00H for this command.
The EAS mode also controls the CONFIG, ERROR and RF LEDs. The fol
lowing table explains LED behavior.
LED(s) Behavior Description
OFF No EAS-enabled tag in field
CONFIG LED BLINK EAS-enabled tag entered field.
RF LED ON EAS tag has been read. LED will remain ON until all EAS tags have left
the field.
ERROR LED BLINKS Last EAS tag left the field.
EAS mode prevents any other commands from being acknowledged or
executed until EAS has been stopped.
Field Remarks
Command Command number in hex preceded by AAH
Family ID Tag Family ID - 00H = all tags
Start/Stop 1 = start, 0 = stop
Message Terminator FFFFH
Copyright © 2000 Escort Memory Systems
LRP820-Series Long-Range Passive Reader/Writer