User's Manual

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6.4 ABx Fast Protocol
The difference from the standard ABx are:
The command/response packet contains the packet size
You can include a checksum in the command
The headers and terminator are ASCII characters
Since ABx Fast is a binary protocol, the Xon/Xoff handshake
cannot be used.
ABx Command Packet Structure:
The command protocol is based on the following minimal packet structure.
The data field and the checksum may not be present depending on the com
mand type and your checksum setting.
Field Number of Bytes Content
Header 2 <STX><STX> (02H, 02H)
Command Size 2 Packet length in bytes excluding the header, command
size, checksum and terminator bytes.
Command 1 Command Code
(Data) variable command data/parameters
(Checksum) 1 Optional Checksum
Terminator 1 <ETX> (03H)
Following a successful operation, the LRP820 will respond with the follow
ing. The data field and the checksum may not be present depending on your
checksum setting.
Field Number of Bytes Content
Header 2 <STX><STX> (02H, 02H)
Response Size 2 Packet length in bytes excluding the header, response
size, checksum and terminator bytes.
Command 1 Command Echo
(Data) variable response data
(Checksum) 1 Optional Checksum
Terminator 1 <ETX> (03H)
Copyright © 2000 Escort Memory Systems
LRP820-Series Long-Range Passive Reader/Writer
6.5 ABx Fast Protocol